Jim Pyle, founder of the Amazing Jellybean, drumming up interest in his Kickstarter campaign by handing out jellybean bags at Geekdom. Now that’s yummy marketing.
While his idea was not selected as one of the ones to work on that weekend, he never gave up on the idea. In fact, he filed a patent and developed a prototype.
That’s because Pyle, a former technician with Time Warner Cable, knew first hand that 80 percent of the problems people call their cable company about when their service doesn’t work can be fixed with a simple reboot of the computer and router. But to non-technical people that task can seem confusing and daunting. So Pyle created a solution to make it as simple as pressing one button. The Amazing Jellybean then takes over. The device shuts off and restarts the devices in the correct order.
He’s already got manufacturing set up in India and has launched a Kickstarter project to launch the Amazing Jellybean into the marketplace.
So far, Pyle’s Kickstarter campaign has raised $5,627 of its $10,000 goal from 102 backers with 13 days to go.
And today, PC Magazine named the Amazing Jellybean as its Kickstarter Tech Project of the Week.
A pledge of $40 gets you an Amazing Jellybean and access to the remote control app, plus a packet of jellybeans and stickers.
For a pledge of $150 or more, you’ll get a special edition Amazing Jellybean in hot pink, lime green, safety orange, baby blue, devil red or midnight black, plus the stickers and jellybeans.
Pyle expects to deliver the Amazing Jellybeans by November. And his company is also one of six startups pitching at the Innotech Beta Summit on April 17th at 3 p.m. in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center downtown.
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