tomlinsons-facebook-ad-1200x627It’s a real drag when the giant bag of dog food in the pantry is empty and the dogs are hungry and there’s no time to run to the store.

Never fear, there’s a solution to this nagging problem.

The dogs have got to eat. And Instacart and Tomlinson’s Pets in Austin will make sure of that. They’ve teamed up to provide same-day delivery directly from the pet store. (Anyone remember They used to deliver giant 20 pound bags of dog food for free, but they’re out of business. The economics just didn’t make sense. But it sure was convenient for pet owners.)

Now the solution for the millenium age is Instacart, a same day grocery delivery service, combined with Tomlinson’s Pets, which has nine locations throughout Austin and surrounding areas. Customers can now get a “curated selection of food, treats, toys and essentials for customers’ favorite furry friends, making pampering their pets as simple as having groceries delivered right to their door.”

And here’s a way to do good by just ordering pet supplies through this new partnership. They plan to donate $1 to Austin Pets Alive for each order placed this month.

“We want to make it as easy as possible to find and feed your pet the healthiest food available,” Scott Click, Owner of Tomlinson’s Pets, said in a news release. “Many of the healthy foods we carry aren’t found in big box stores or online, so Instacart is providing our customers with a great way to get local, natural pet products without sacrificing convenience.”

The deliveries will take place Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. and Sunday from noon until 6:00 p.m.