Michael Dell delivers the keynote address at DellEMC World at the Austin Convention Center.
Reporter with Silicon Hills News
Everything in the technology world improves about ten times every five years, Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Technologies said at the first Dell EMC World Wednesday morning.
“That means 15 years from now, we’ll have another 1,000 times improvement in power, speed, efficiency, capacity compared to what we have today,” Dell said.
Those improvements will lead to smart cities full of driver-less cars, nanobots that can cure cancer and repair cell damage and drone delivery of goods, Dell said.
“These plus hundreds of thousands of other incredible innovations, large and small, that we can’t predict or really even conceive today,” Dell said. “This is the Internet of everything.”
Just six weeks after the close of its $67 billion merger with EMC, Dell Technologies is poised to be a big player in the Internet of everything and the transformation of businesses to the digital world, Dell said. And that’s because privately-held Dell Technologies’ unique structure lets the company “be nimble and innovative like a startup but have the scale of a global powerhouse,” Dell said.
During his keynote address at the Austin Convention Center, where Dell EMC World continues through Thursday afternoon, Dell painted a picture of extreme upheaval, digital transformation and fast paced change. And he put forth the case that Dell Technologies can help other businesses adapt and change during turbulent digital times.
“It’s been called the next industrial revolution,” Dell said. “The next quantum leap in human progress. Virtually reality, augmented reality will redefine work, learning and play. And whole new ways of living and doing business will literally open up before our eyes.”
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, data and analysis will help “amplify human creativity,” Dell said.
“It will unleash a torrent of innovation and progress,” Dell said. “And the ability to solve some of the world’s greatest challenges. It’s the sunrise of a new era. The digital dawn.”

Michael Dell answering questions at a press conference following his keynote speech at Dell EMC World.
Dell Technologies recently took a poll of 4,000 executives around the world and asked them how prepared they were to take on this digital future. The poll showed 45 percent of businesses believe they may be obsolete in just four to five years and 48 percent don’t know what their industry will look like in three years, Dell said.
“And 78 percent consider digital startups as a threat either now or in the future to their businesses,” Dell said. “It’s digital fear. Because they know this future is coming very rapidly and the future doesn’t care if you’re ready. But we do.”
That’s where Dell Technologies comes in. Its family of businesses are the leader in servers, support, virtualization, security, cloud software, cloud infrastructure, software defined datacenters and more.
And Dell Technologies is spending roughly $4.5 billion in research and development, roughly twice that of its nearest competitor, Dell said.
Dell’s vision for the new company is be “the trusted provider of essential infrastructure for the next industrial revolution,” Dell said.
And six weeks after the closing of the EMC deal, Dell also announced a lot of new products and solutions. Dell also touted its expertise in the hybrid cloud, which is a combination of a private and public cloud to host data.
Dell also said the PC business remains core to its mission and its strategy. For 15 quarters in a row, Dell has increased its share of the PC market, Dell said.
“This last quarter, we outgrew our competition,” Dell said. “Year to date, all of our PC competitors have declined and Dell is growing.”
PCs continue to be integral in the digital world and that is particularly true in the Internet of Things world, Dell said.
With the explosion in the number of devices and digitization of the world’s critical infrastructure, malicious attacks have grown significantly, Dell said.
“As everything becomes digital it becomes vulnerable to attack,” Dell said.
The cost of the cyber-crime is projected to rise to $2.1 trillion annually in the next five years, he said.
Today, a single data breach can cost $150 million, Dell said.
Dell’s managed security services see 200 billion network events each day that the company analyzes for malicious activity and delivers security countermeasures, Dell said.
“We are seeing more of it than anyone else and we know what to do about it,” he said.
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