Mike “Truth” Johnston puts the finishing touches on his new mural, Peace Love Austin at Google Fiber Space in downtown Austin.
“Google Fiber believes that citizens should be always inspired and empowered to create a better city and a better future and that public art has a central role in the process,” according to a spokeswoman.
In Austin, three artists used their own style to tell the story of Austin.
At the Google Fiber Space at 201 W. Colorado, Austin Artist Mike “Truth” Johnston did a vibrant mural showing a person skateboarding with all kind of Austin icons in the background like a guitar, pinata, cowboy boot and more. The mural “Peace Love Austin” is left open to interpretation, a Google Fiber spokesman said.
When Google Fiber launched in Austin in 2014, the company hired Johnston to do a design on its Google Fiber vans. He also did a mural inside the Google Fiber officer.
A couple blocks over, in a parking garage, Johnston painted a Love Wins mural. He does a lot of murals for tech companies and other businesses in Austin.
“When Austin talks about keep Austin weird, this is one way to keep Austin Weird,” Johnston said. “Austin is creative, Austin is alive. Austin is creative. Austin is fun. Austin is peace, love.”
The other murals are located at I-35 and 6th Street by Zuzu and Encore Records at 809 E. 6th Street by Mila Sketch.
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