Lots of cool tech events happening in San Antonio this week from recruiting mixers to an AI meetup and the debut of a brand new business conference.

On Tuesday – WP Engine Technical Support Meet & Greet in San Antonio- The company is hiring. It’s having a mixer to get to know job candidates better and introduce them to this rapidly growing WordPress hosting company. The event is free and takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Stone Werks Big Rock Grille at Lincoln Heights. RSVP here.

On Tuesday – Artificial Intelligence Meet Up at 6 pm. at the Geekdom Events Centre. “For this meetup we hope to have a lightning round of the different machine learning and deep learning projects people have accomplished or are currently pursuing in SAT and nearby areas.”

On Wednesday – Codeup Demo Day at The DoSeum on February 14th from 3:15 PM to 5:30 PM

On Friday: Motiontum 2018 – Business Conference & Expo at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, a variety of speakers and topics at this daylong inaugural conference. Tickets start at $15.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Patriot Boot Camp: Technology Entrepreneurship Boot Camp in San Antonio on Feb. 16-18th.

Upcoming Events:

SA NewTech – Feb. 21st – Due to Valentine’s Day, San Antonio NewTech rescheduled its meetup set for the 14th to the 21st at 6 p.m. at the Geekdom Events Center.

Xconomy’s San Antonio Tech: Seizing the Momentum on Feb. 20th.

SXSW in Austin March 9-18th.

Upcoming events: (sponsored)

InnoTech San Antonio at the Norris Conference Center