Who uses robotics, computer vision and advanced algorithms to solve some the world’s most interesting problems? Who built the technology to handle 36.8 million items ordered in one day? The answer is AFT; Amazon Fulfillment Technologies.
AFT is where virtual meets reality, and where research meets development. We are the people that set the standard for worldwide online retailing and build the technology that no one else in the world uses.
We are heading to San Antonio to host a networking event at Geekdom! You will have the opportunity to hear our Amazon team members speak about the cutting edge technology being built and ask them questions. We will also be giving out swag, providing food and beverage as well as raffling a Kindle! Come learn about how Amazon Fulfillment Technologies is paving the way in innovation!
The networking event will be held on July 30th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at Geekdom. Attendance is limited. Please send an email to Amazon Fulfillment Technologies to request an invitation.
110 E Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78205
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