Tag: AT&T

AT&T Plans to Expand its GigaPower Fiber Internet to San Antonio

Photo courtesy of AT&T

Photo courtesy of AT&T

AT&T announced Monday plans to roll out its ultra-fast fiber network and AT&T U-Verse TV service to San Antonio and 20 other major metropolitan areas.
The company already delivers its 1 Gigabit per second broadband Internet network to Austin. It began to offer service there after Google announced plans for a 1 Gigabit network in Austin.
Google also announced earlier this year that San Antonio is on a short list of cities which may receive its Google fiber high speed network.
Why is this a big deal for Central Texas’ technology industry? Because Austin already has a Google Fiber network underway and AT&T is offering the service there. San Marcos-based Grande Communications has also announced plans for a 1 Gigabit network in Austin. And Time Warner announced plans to increase its speeds to 300 mbps up from 50 mbps in June.
Competition is good for the consumer. It means lower prices and better products.
But the benefit doesn’t stop there.
Startup companies and established companies with access to high-speed networks can dream up the innovative products that will drive our economy forward. They will be able to compete on a global scale with other countries that have much faster networks in place already.
In addition, the ability to get high speed Internet to all areas of the city benefits everyone because an educated population is a productive population.
“Similar to previously announced metro area selections in Austin and Dallas and advanced discussions in Raleigh-Durham and Winston-Salem, communities that have suitable network facilities, and show the strongest investment cases based on anticipated demand and the most receptive policies will influence these future selections and coverage maps within selected areas,” according to a news release.
In addition to San Antonio, the other metropolitan areas includes: Atlanta, Augusta, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Fort Worth, Fort Lauderdale, Greensboro, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, Oakland, Orlando, San Diego, St. Louis, San Francisco, and San Jose.”
AT&T U-verse with GigaPower services are available in Austin and some surrounding communities, and are expected to roll out in parts of Dallas this summer. AT&T is also expanding its coverage in the Austin area.

AT&T Plans to Open Innovation Center in Austin

imgres-2AT&T announced plans Wednesday to open a new center for technology innovation and collaboration in Austin.

The Dallas-based company did not provide details on how many people the center will employ or its cost. It did report its making a multi-million dollar investment. Currently, AT&T employs about 2,600 people in the Austin area.

In addition, AT&T is awarding a series of technology grants to local technology organizations and is sponsoring the 10th anniversary of Austin Fusebox Festival.

The innovation center will focus on education, data analytics, video and mobile applications and solutions. It will also include a studio open to community members to create unique content for AT&T’s TV, online and mobile platforms.

“The new AT&T center is being designed to help connect Austin in new and rewarding ways based on community member input,” Dahna Hull, vice president and general manager, Austin, AT&T Services, said in a news release.

AT&T is also rolling out an all-fiber AT&T U-Verse with GigaPowerSM service, which the company announced last year.
AT&T’s new innovation center will serve as a catalyst for collaboration among community leaders, residents, educators, technologies and entrepreneurs.

“Opening a center for innovation in the heart of the city will create even greater opportunities for Austin’s entrepreneurs, technology developers, and students,” Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell said. “AT&T will have an opportunity to work closely with the many talents in our city, and the community stands to benefit from the exciting collaboration that will take place in this facility. We are fortunate to have companies like AT&T that appreciate our culture and invest in our future.”

In addition, AT&T announced plans to award endowments to the Austin Technology Council, the Austin Technology Incubator, Capital Factory, Entrepreneurs Foundation and Tech Ranch.

“The community investment initiative will also support the 10-year anniversary of the Austin Fusebox Festival, a 12-day hybrid arts festival promoting local culture, arts and technology, planned for April 2014,” according to a news release.

AT&T to Launch High-Speed Fiber Network in December in Austin

imgres-3It looks like AT&T will be the first to get its high-speed GigaPower broadband Internet network to customers in Austin.
The company announced an initial roll out of its service to tens of thousands of customers in central, northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast Austin and city neighborhoods like French Place, Mueller, Zilker and Onion Creek.
“In December, U-verse with GigaPower customers will also have access to cutting-edge TV services that offer the ability to watch and record more shows simultaneously with our largest storage capacity DVR,” according to a news release.
The Internet service will initially have upload and download speeds of up to 300 Mbps and those customers will be able to upgrade to 1 Gigabit per second speeds in mid-2014.
AT&T plans to expand its high-speed Internet and TV network to more residents and businesses next year. The company is determining the roll out, in part, based on the number of votes it receives from Austin residents to have GigaPower in certain neighborhoods.
“We’ve already received great input from thousands of Austinites eager for the fastest speeds,” Dahna Hull, vice president and general manager, Austin, AT&T Services said in a news release. “These votes are helping us identify where the need for speed and advanced TV services is the greatest and will help guide our future GigaPower expansion plans.”

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